You can enable "Compositing Manager" for Unity 2D, so you can get some desktop effects, drop-down shadow or window previews for the ALT+TAB switcher. Add or remove workspaces Enable / disable overlay scrollbars Show / hide a "Show Desktop" icon on the Unity launcher Locale support for the Quicklists Editor Bug fixed: window module now loads under Xubuntu and Lubuntu Bug fixed: Fix accessing Unity settings in Ubuntu 11.10 with Unity 2DOther bug fixes untuk dapat menginstallnya silahkan lakukan sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak sumber:
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6 tahun yang lalu
Terimakasih informasi nya gan, sangat bermanfaat :)
Replynice post :)
ditunggu kunjungan baliknya yaah ,
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