ini merupakan source yang saya ambil dari yang mana digunakan untuk membackup dan merestore database dengan mySQL sehingga bisa untuk memindahkan data mySQL. tentunya dengan visual basic juga.
silahkan lanjutkan aja
silahkan aja di copas ni kode pada module
nah kalau ini di taruh pada command
demikian semoga bermanfaat
silahkan lanjutkan aja
silahkan aja di copas ni kode pada module
Option Explicit
'Translate the literals if you want...
Const MSG_01 = "Dibuat Oleh: " 'created by
Const MSG_02 = "NamaDatabase: " 'database name
Const MSG_03 = "Tanggal/Waktu: " 'Data and time
Const MSG_04 = "DD/MM/YY HH:MM:SS" 'Your prefered format to display dates
Const MSG_05 = "DBMS: MySQL v"
Const MSG_06 = "Struktur Tabel " 'Table structure
Const MSG_07 = "Data Tabel " 'Table data
Const MSG_08 = "Akhir dari Backup: " 'End of backup
Public Sub MySQLBackup(ByVal strFileName As String, cnn As ADODB.Connection)
' strFileName contains the filename where you want to backup to go...
' It will overwrite the file if it exists...
' cnn is the current conection with the database...
On Error Resume Next
Dim rss As ADODB.Recordset
Dim rssAux As ADODB.Recordset
Dim X As Long, i As Integer
Dim strTableName As String
Dim strCurLine As String
Dim strBuffer As String
Dim strDBName As String
X = FreeFile
Open strFileName For Output As X
Print #X, ""
Print #X, "#"
Print #X, "# " & MSG_01 & App.Title & " v" & App.Major & "." & App.Minor & "." & App.Revision
'Looking for the database name
strDBName = Mid(cnn.ConnectionString, InStr(cnn.ConnectionString, "DATABASE=") + 9)
strDBName = Left(strDBName, InStr(strDBName, ";") - 1)
Print #X, "# " & MSG_02 & strDBName
Set rss = New ADODB.Recordset
Set rssAux = New ADODB.Recordset
'Looking for the version of MySQL
Print #X, "# " & MSG_03 & Format(Now, MSG_04)
rss.Open "show variables like 'version';", cnn
If Not rss.EOF Then
Print #X, "# " & MSG_05 & rss.Fields(1)
End If
'Preventing errors by foreign key violation during the restoring process
Print #X, "#"
Print #X, ""
Print #X, ""
strTableName = ""
With rss
'For each table...
Do While Not .EOF
strTableName = .Fields.Item("Name").Value
With rssAux
.Open "SELECT * FROM " & strTableName & "", cnn
If Not .EOF Then
Print #X, "INSERT INTO `" & strTableName & "` VALUES "
Do While Not .EOF
strCurLine = ""
For i = 0 To .Fields.Count - 1
strBuffer = .Fields.Item(i).Value
If .Fields.Item(i).Type = 131 Then
strBuffer = Replace(Format(strBuffer, "0.00"), ",", ".")
End If
'Some safe replacements...
strBuffer = Replace(strBuffer, "\", "\\")
strBuffer = Replace(strBuffer, "'", "\'")
strBuffer = Replace(strBuffer, Chr(10), "")
strBuffer = Replace(strBuffer, Chr(13), "\r\n")
If strCurLine <> "" Then
strCurLine = strCurLine & ", "
End If
strCurLine = strCurLine & "'" & strBuffer & "'"
Next i
strCurLine = "(" & strCurLine & ")"
If .EOF Then
Print #X, strCurLine & ";"
Print #X, strCurLine & ","
End If
End If
End With
Print #X, "unlock tables;"
Print #X, "#--------------------------------------------"
'Setting the DB to its normal behavior...
Print #X, ""
Print #X, ""
Print #X, "# " & MSG_08 & Format(Now, MSG_04)
End With
Close #X
End Sub
Public Sub MySQLRestore(ByVal strFileName As String, cnn As ADODB.Connection)
' strFileName contains the filename of the backup...
' cnn is the current conection with the database...
Dim lngTotalBytes As Long, lngCurrentBytes As Long
Dim X As Integer, strCurLine As String, strAux As String
Dim blnPassLines As Boolean
Dim blnAnalizeIt As Boolean
X = FreeFile
On Error GoTo ErrDrv
Open strFileName For Input As #X
lngTotalBytes = LOF(X)
blnPassLines = False
Do While Not EOF(X)
Line Input #X, strCurLine
lngCurrentBytes = lngCurrentBytes + Len(strCurLine)
'If you want to inform the user about the progress of the restoring process...
' do so with UpdateProgressBar (or whatever name you gave it to this function).
'Call UpdateProgressBar(lngTotalBytes, lngCurrentBytes)
'Avoiding comments...
blnAnalizeIt = True
strCurLine = Trim(strCurLine)
If Not blnPassLines Then
If Left(strCurLine, 1) = "#" Then
blnAnalizeIt = False
ElseIf Left(strCurLine, 2) = "/*" Then
blnAnalizeIt = False
blnPassLines = True
End If
ElseIf Right(Trim(strCurLine), 2) = "*/" Then
blnPassLines = False
blnAnalizeIt = False
End If
'if the line should be proccessed...
If blnAnalizeIt And strCurLine <> "" Then
'Do it... Searching for a whole SQL statment
' (those with a trailing semicolon)
While Mid(strCurLine, Len(strCurLine), 1) <> ";"
strAux = strCurLine
Line Input #X, strCurLine
lngCurrentBytes = lngCurrentBytes + Len(strCurLine)
strCurLine = Trim(strCurLine)
'Call UpdateProgressBar(lngTotalBytes, lngCurrentBytes)
strCurLine = strAux & strCurLine
'Execute the sentence...
cnn.Execute strCurLine
End If
'Call MyDoEvents
Close #X
'Call UpdateProgressBar(lngTotalBytes, lngTotalBytes)
HackPesan "Penambahan OK"
Exit Sub
Debug.Print "ERROR:" & Err.Number & vbNewLine & Err.Description & vbNewLine, vbCritical
End Sub
nah kalau ini di taruh pada command
Call MySQLBackup(App.Path + "\Backup\backup" + Format(Now, "hhmmss") + ".sql", cn)
demikian semoga bermanfaat